Monday, September 6, 2010

SmithWalker Productions Independent Films

Hannah Smith Walker self produced "Why don't we ride zebras?" She also wrote, filmed, animated, and edited the piece. It has won several film major festival awards and has had many tens of thousands of views on various social media sites. The film was made in conjunction with Hannah's Master's Thesis entitled: "Moving Beyond Broadcast and Traditional Pedagogy, Making a Children's Film for the New Media Landscape".

Principles of Mosquito Warfare
Hannah produced, shot, and edited this piece.

Nonprofit Public Service Announcements for local broadcast

Hannah was the shooter/editor on the above PSA.

Hannah was the main shooter and editor on the two PSA's above. Some of the footage was shot by high school students on a Flip Cam and required use of motion stabilization software.

California Videos

People For Bikes Video Community Housing Improvement Systems and Planning Association (CHISPA) Videos
Hannah was the shooter/editor on both pieces. Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) Video
Hannah was the editor on this piece.

Light and Motion Instructional Videos

Hannah lit, shot, and edited the above pieces.

Monterey Regional Waste Management Virtual Tour Videos

Hannah shot and edited all the above virtual tours.